Feedbackwebbranding2023-11-23T16:46:27+01:00 Please fill in the fields below* Please declare, that you have read and accept all of the required fields. "*" indicates required fields Your relocation consultant* How accurate was the information your consultant gave you about the process?* 1 2 3 4 5 1 to 5, 5 is the best rateHow fast did you get response to your queries/emails?* very fast normal (within 2 days) slow What did you like in his/her performance during the process?*What would s/he need to change in order to improve?Can we use your feedback in our online platforms?* yes no (like LinkedIn, FB, webpage)If yes, what data can be shown? full name only given name position company name Your Name* Position CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. +36 70 618 1838 Capital Square Office Building