

Tax Card Application

Comprehensive assistance for foreign employees

Those who habitually reside in Hungary typically need to pay tax. To do this, according to the current regulations, one requires a valid tax card.

Typically, the procedure related to the application concludes within 15 days. However, we do not recommend that any organisation rely solely on the autonomy of their foreign colleagues. A lack of proficiency in the language can be a significant impediment. The Expat-Center team manages the entire process, thereby relieving the hiring organisation of the burden.

Tax Card Application - EXPAT-CENTER

Obtaining an official certificate as a substitute for the card until its arrival

In cases when a sufficient 15-day window for processing is not available, we request an official certificate on behalf of our clients’ employees. With this certificate, the employment relationship can continue without interruption.

Furthermore, if the tax card is needed for another ongoing procedure, the official certificate can also be used. We recommend our service to businesses where neither the internal resources nor trust in the autonomy of colleagues is sufficient to handle the related administration.

Family Integration - EXPAT-CENTER