

Driving Licence Localization

Driving licences issued outside the EEA member states need to be localized

In the absence of localization, a driving license issued outside the European Economic Area permits driving only from the country’s border to the place of residence or from the place of residence to the exit border. During the localization process, in addition to the administrative procedures, passing a road safety exam (KRESZ) may also be a requirement.

The Expat-Center team assists partners in taking over communication with the authorities and clarifies the expectations for foreign colleagues.


A valid driving licence can influence the well-being of an employee

Offering assistance with driving license localization is beneficial not only for colleagues who need it for their job requirements.

Personal mobility greatly affects the well-being of an employee, especially after relocating to a foreign country. As an employer, it is worth considering this because the employee’s mood can also impact their workplace performance.

Family Integration - EXPAT-CENTER